Britain’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Demand £60 Billion More For Grid Upgrades

Generating occasional power in far-flung places means connecting wind turbines and solar panels, and that comes with a staggering additional cost. Costs that are totally avoidable and entirely unnecessary, when one considers that no one was short of power before the grand wind and solar ‘transition’ took off. In Australia, it’s reckoned that the current … Continue reading Britain’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Demand £60 Billion More For Grid Upgrades

Facts Trump Feelings: Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Tale Rapidly Unravels

The only certainties attached to the wind and solar transition are being constantly whacked with crushing power bills and sitting freezing or boiling in the dark, when the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in. Whereas Europeans are crab-walking away from their mad rush towards wind and solar - with many tapping into next-generation nuclear power … Continue reading Facts Trump Feelings: Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Tale Rapidly Unravels

Why Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Spells Inevitable Environmental Disaster

Spearing thousands of wind turbines into rural communities and carpeting them with endless seas of solar panels is only just the beginning. To connect those hopelessly intermittent power sources to market requires thousands of (otherwise unnecessary) kilometres of additional transmission lines. All of that environmental destruction could have readily been avoided had Australia simply maintained … Continue reading Why Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Spells Inevitable Environmental Disaster

Consumers Carry Colossal Cost of Getting Wind & Solar From Nowhere to Somewhere

The grand wind and solar transition comes with a staggering pricetag, not least the $trillions required to connect far-flung wind turbines and solar panels to increasingly distant markets. Building a secondary network of high voltage transmission lines and interconnectors to carry the power occasionally generated by wind turbines and solar panels, spread far and wide, … Continue reading Consumers Carry Colossal Cost of Getting Wind & Solar From Nowhere to Somewhere