How to Wreck Reliable & Affordable Power Supplies: Add Costly & Chaotic Wind and Solar

Talking about an energy transition on a dead calm, cloudy winter’s morning, when wind and solar output amounts to a doughnut, is positively delusional; claiming that wind and solar are the cheapest generation source of all (when wind and solar can’t be hundred any price) is utterly bonkers. The fact that the matter is (and … Continue reading How to Wreck Reliable & Affordable Power Supplies: Add Costly & Chaotic Wind and Solar

Wind & Solar Subsidies: High Time To End The Never-Ending Story of Wasted $Billions

Death and taxes are certainties, so too the wind and solar industry’s critical dependence on massive and endless subsidies. Those pushing wind and solar keep telling us that the power they produce is ‘free’ and getting cheaper all the time. Every so often, rent seekers and their political enablers are faced with the retort that, … Continue reading Wind & Solar Subsidies: High Time To End The Never-Ending Story of Wasted $Billions

Renewable Energy Debacle Deepens: Chaotic & Costly Power Destroying Australian Industry

  Australian is set to cross the Rubicon: following the path to Nirvana promised by renewable energy zealots, means inevitable economic and social oblivion. As the country continues pouring billions of dollars into the unreliables - wind and solar - power prices will continue to rocket out of control. And, even if an industrial or … Continue reading Renewable Energy Debacle Deepens: Chaotic & Costly Power Destroying Australian Industry

Australia’s Self-Inflicted Energy Crisis: Renewable Policies a Crime Against the People

Robert Gottliebsen is an economics columnist with The Australian, who has recently weighed into Australia's unfolding renewables driven energy calamity. Late to realise the cost and consequences of Australia's suicidal renewable policies, Gottliebsen is gobsmacked at what can properly be described as a crime against the Australian people. Energy crisis: time to invest in emergency … Continue reading Australia’s Self-Inflicted Energy Crisis: Renewable Policies a Crime Against the People

Memo to Malcolm: Scrap Australia’s Renewable Energy Target & Collect a Free Political Gift

Malcolm Turnbull is a Prime Minister who has attempted to please everyone and thereby proved the adage that by doing so you end up pleasing no one at all. Conservatives within his own party fulminate every time Malcolm takes to the stump and delivers sops designed to appease inner-city hipsters: his past and plentiful platitudes … Continue reading Memo to Malcolm: Scrap Australia’s Renewable Energy Target & Collect a Free Political Gift