Nuclear Catastrophe: Carpetbaggers Can’t Attract Wind & Solar Investors

For more than 20 years, wind and solar were the safest bet in town. The rapid embrace of nuclear power around the globe means that no one in their right mind will lay a nickel on wind and solar. Critically dependent upon subsidies, sunshine and weather, wind and solar have no hope of competing with … Continue reading Nuclear Catastrophe: Carpetbaggers Can’t Attract Wind & Solar Investors

Real Nowhere Plan: Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Already Doomed to Total Failure

Sound engineering, not ideology sits at the heart of our reliable and affordable power supplies. However, in the veritable blink of an eye, engineers have been given the flick, so too, our good friends logic and reason. Australia might register as geographically significant and claims to be a world player, but still retains the mentality … Continue reading Real Nowhere Plan: Grand Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Already Doomed to Total Failure

Some ‘Transition’: Subsidised Wind & Solar Guaranteed to Send Power Prices Off the Charts

Renewable energy rent seekers keep telling us that our power bills will inevitably fall because wind and solar power are ‘free’ and getting cheaper all the time. In the lead up to the Federal election in May, Labor’s Anthony Albanese promised that all Australian households would see a $275 cut to their power bills, as … Continue reading Some ‘Transition’: Subsidised Wind & Solar Guaranteed to Send Power Prices Off the Charts

Ingrained Insanity: Self-Inflicted Renewable Energy Disaster Leaves Australians Powerless

Australia is yet another perfect example of how to trash a power supply with heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Germany, California and Texas led the charge and Australia’s so-called renewable energy capital, South Australia was amongst the front runners. SA set the tone with Australia's first statewide blackout - during a spring … Continue reading Ingrained Insanity: Self-Inflicted Renewable Energy Disaster Leaves Australians Powerless

So Simple: Fixing Australia’s Power Pricing & Supply Crisis Easy As One, Two, Three

Solving Australia’s power pricing and supply calamity means killing subsidies for wind and solar and kickstarting nuclear power, by removing the ban that prohibits it. As Rafe Champion details below, there are three easy steps that would resolve the current debacle: killing off the subsidies for intermittent power generation; adding a capacity market to the … Continue reading So Simple: Fixing Australia’s Power Pricing & Supply Crisis Easy As One, Two, Three

Numerical Nonsense: Why Claims Wind & Solar Can Power the Planet Just Don’t Add Up

That troubled teenage, Greta the Fretter has reignited the nonsense that we’re a heartbeat away from an all wind and sun powered future. The girl that can see carbon dioxide gas, heads up a mathematically challenged group, who pronounce the time and date when the world will happily operate without generating any CO2 at all, … Continue reading Numerical Nonsense: Why Claims Wind & Solar Can Power the Planet Just Don’t Add Up

Renewables Disaster Killing Australian Industry: Big Users Forced to Shut Down In Calm & Cloudy Weather

  Australia’s enviable prosperity isn’t due to sunshine and breezes, it’s down to iron ore, coal and a bevy of other minerals including copper and uranium. Australia also has an abundance of bauxite which, when a reliable and affordable power sources is added, turns ‘NT road-gravel’ into aluminium - a high-value metal used in all … Continue reading Renewables Disaster Killing Australian Industry: Big Users Forced to Shut Down In Calm & Cloudy Weather

Businesses Belted by Australia’s Renewable Energy Target: Power Prices Spiral Out of Control

Australia’s Renewable Energy policy is an economic suicide pact, from which there is no escape. The result of that winning combination of greed, ignorance and downright stupidity, the Renewable Energy Target has destroyed businesses and is set to destroy whole industries. Manufacturers, miners and mineral processors are screaming blue murder as they watch once reliable … Continue reading Businesses Belted by Australia’s Renewable Energy Target: Power Prices Spiral Out of Control

Australian Wind Power Forecast: 75% Chance of More Blackouts Next Summer

*** When your power supply depends on the weather, it somehow seems fitting that the chances of having power should be forecast in much the same way. Robert Gottliebsen is a finance and economics columnist with The Australian who has been out and about, talking to engineers about Australia's energy crisis; and seeking to fine … Continue reading Australian Wind Power Forecast: 75% Chance of More Blackouts Next Summer

SA’s Deluded Labor Government Warned Wind Power Push Would Wreck its Grid Way Back in 2009

*** Desperate, delusional and in denial, South Australia’s hapless Labor government is taking a well-deserved flogging in the press. SA, the so-called ‘wind power capital’, instead of setting an example of how to run on sunshine and breezes, has become an international laughing stock. Rocketing prices, repeated statewide blackouts and mass load shedding have made … Continue reading SA’s Deluded Labor Government Warned Wind Power Push Would Wreck its Grid Way Back in 2009