Chaos Rules: Massive Wind Power Output Collapses Threaten Total Grid Failure

The claim that spreading wind turbines far and wide means you’ll have power around-the-clock is just more wind industry myth. Australia’s Eastern Grid provides all the evidence required to render that story plainly risible - and it can all be done with pictures. Spread from Far North Queensland, across the ranges of NSW, all over … Continue reading Chaos Rules: Massive Wind Power Output Collapses Threaten Total Grid Failure

Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Rent-seekers and the wind and sun cult who run with them are in a flat panic as they realise that their game is up. Mouthing off about an ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future was always going to come unstuck. Reality has a tendency of biting back. Every calm night (ie … Continue reading Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion