Loser Always Pays Staggering Hidden Cost of Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Crony capitalists wallowing in wind and solar subsidies and their ideologue enablers make sure the buck always stops with you. The cost of those subsidies is not only endless, it is simply staggering. In Australia the combined figure for subsidies to wind and solar is now in excess of $15 billion annually, and with the … Continue reading Loser Always Pays Staggering Hidden Cost of Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Budget Blowout: Escalating Cost of Subsidising Wind & Solar Simply Staggering

Now they’re talking in $trillions, the mere $billions in wind and solar subsidies pocketed so far sounds like chump change. When we’re talking about subsidies to wind and solar,  we are including all the thoroughly unnecessary associated costs, like new pumped-hydro schemes; giant lithium-ion batteries; additional fast-start peaking plants (either diesel or gas); and tens … Continue reading Budget Blowout: Escalating Cost of Subsidising Wind & Solar Simply Staggering