If Wind and Solar Are So Cheap – Why The Need For Massive & Endless Subsidies?

Claims that wind and solar are the cheapest form of energy there is, never survive first contact with reality. The first exhibit is the massive and endless subsidies, without which there would be no wind or solar industries, at all. If left to the market, there would be no generation of wind and solar, at … Continue reading If Wind and Solar Are So Cheap – Why The Need For Massive & Endless Subsidies?

How to Wreck Reliable & Affordable Power Supplies: Add Costly & Chaotic Wind and Solar

Talking about an energy transition on a dead calm, cloudy winter’s morning, when wind and solar output amounts to a doughnut, is positively delusional; claiming that wind and solar are the cheapest generation source of all (when wind and solar can’t be hundred any price) is utterly bonkers. The fact that the matter is (and … Continue reading How to Wreck Reliable & Affordable Power Supplies: Add Costly & Chaotic Wind and Solar

Occasional Wind & Solar Generation Guarantee Staggering Backup Costs

Sunset kills solar output the same way calm weather renders wind turbines utterly useless. Around the world $trillions have been squandered on occasional power generation which is always and everywhere dependent on sunshine and/or the weather. In the beginning, there was a perfectly functional power supply with reliable generators connected by a systematically designed grid … Continue reading Occasional Wind & Solar Generation Guarantee Staggering Backup Costs

Mercenary Audacity: How Crony Capitalists Drive The Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

The Climate Industrial Complex is the perfect playground for billionaire crony capitalists: obscene guaranteed profits are underwritten by power consumers and taxpayers; all the risk is born by the same class of suckers; and weather-obsessed politicos are falling over themselves to engineer new and exciting ways of providing a malevolent elite with opportunities to separate … Continue reading Mercenary Audacity: How Crony Capitalists Drive The Wind & Solar ‘Transition’