Hostility Mounts: Rural Communities Ready to Explode Against Wind & Solar Onslaught

Visit any rural community targeted for industrial wind turbines and solar panels and/or the transmission lines needed to support them, and the rage is truly palpable. Faced with hundreds of 280m high, 300 tonne turbines speared into pristine bush and prime farmland, seas of solar panels - that seemingly stretch to the horizon - and … Continue reading Hostility Mounts: Rural Communities Ready to Explode Against Wind & Solar Onslaught

Grand Enviro-Scandal: Wind Industry Delivers (Dead) Whale Watching Tourism Bonanza

Thanks to the offshore wind industry, it's never been easier to get up close and personal with rare and endangered whales. Never before has the general public been able to walk along the shoreline and find their favourite beach routinely littered with a steady stream of cetacean carcasses. Call it ‘eco-tourism’, with a twist. Some … Continue reading Grand Enviro-Scandal: Wind Industry Delivers (Dead) Whale Watching Tourism Bonanza

Blaze of Fury: Local Outrage Forces Government Backflip on Offshore Wind Turbine Plans

Whatever ‘social licence’ the wind industry had evaporated years ago; wrecked communities, wrecked environments and wrecked economies will do it every time. Sure enough, the usual ‘not in my back yard’ protester often takes the lead in opposition to another aggregation of these monstrosities. However, the arguments these days are broader and more to the … Continue reading Blaze of Fury: Local Outrage Forces Government Backflip on Offshore Wind Turbine Plans