Planned Energy Armageddon: Net Zero CO2 Targets Designed by Delusional Maniacs

Setting targets about reducing the trivial amount of carbon oxide gas generated by humans is one thing, but asserting that wind and solar are the only way of doing so is positively bonkers. Assume for the moment that there is some point and purpose to net zero targets (a whopping assumption, for sure). Then the … Continue reading Planned Energy Armageddon: Net Zero CO2 Targets Designed by Delusional Maniacs

Wind & Solar ‘Transition’: Gambling With Other Peoples’ Money And Always Losing

Squandering $billions on chaotically intermittent wind and solar is the cornerstone of the policy said to deliver the grand energy transition. Not that we have any say in the matter, but, if given the choice of paying rent-seekers to carpet the country in even more solar panels and wind turbines or joining the political malefactors … Continue reading Wind & Solar ‘Transition’: Gambling With Other Peoples’ Money And Always Losing