Zombie Apocalypse: Wind Industry Faces Total Collapse With More Projects Scrapped

The wind industry is looking a lot like a zombie apocalypse; evidently dead on its feet, but refusing to accept its mortality and die with dignity. The offshore wind industry in the US looks like a bloodbath, with dozens of major projects scrapped outright. Investors have pulled the plug, never to return. In Australia dozens … Continue reading Zombie Apocalypse: Wind Industry Faces Total Collapse With More Projects Scrapped

Habitual Habitat Destruction: Wind Industry Wiping Out Vast Tracts of Virgin Rainforest

https://youtu.be/ypA4XkmbNxk Once upon a time, environmentalists were known as ‘tree huggers’, these days the new ‘green’ cult can’t destroy them fast enough. In the Scottish Highlands, so far, they’ve wiped out over 14 million trees, spread over more than 17,000 acres to clear the way for thousands of these industrial monstrosities; and, no, they don’t replant … Continue reading Habitual Habitat Destruction: Wind Industry Wiping Out Vast Tracts of Virgin Rainforest