Simply Irresistible: Why Plugging Into Small Modular Reactors Makes Perfect Sense

Listen to the wind and sun cult and you’d think that Small Modular Nuclear Reactors are a work of far-fetched Science Fiction. The reality is that some 200 small nuclear reactors are presently powering 160 ships and submarines all around the world, and have been for decades. None of which sits with the narrative pitched by … Continue reading Simply Irresistible: Why Plugging Into Small Modular Reactors Makes Perfect Sense

Missed Target: No Way Wind & Solar Can Meet (Pointless) Net-Zero CO2 Target

The Soviet 5-year-plan was all about ludicrous ambitions that the Proles duly defied and likewise defied reality. So it is with so-called ‘net-zero carbon dioxide gas emissions targets’. Big talk about pointless objects is easy enough, but, at some stage the punters start asking when those objects might be met. And when they’re rebuffed, they … Continue reading Missed Target: No Way Wind & Solar Can Meet (Pointless) Net-Zero CO2 Target