Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Rent-seekers and the wind and sun cult who run with them are in a flat panic as they realise that their game is up. Mouthing off about an ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future was always going to come unstuck. Reality has a tendency of biting back. Every calm night (ie … Continue reading Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Poverty Trap: Wind & Solar Obsession Delivers (Perfectly Avoidable) Economic Disaster

The staggering cost of carpeting the countryside with forests of wind turbines and seas of solar panels are ultimately borne by you: the unwitting taxpayer and power consumer. There is no commercial value in wind and solar power because there is no demand for electricity that can’t be delivered as and when consumers need it. … Continue reading Poverty Trap: Wind & Solar Obsession Delivers (Perfectly Avoidable) Economic Disaster

‘Green’ Hydrogen Scam: Renewables Rent-Seekers’ Latest Wealth Transfer Effort

At the end of every massive wind and solar subsidy rainbow, you’ll find a rent-seeking, crony capitalist salivating at the opportunity to cash in, at your expense. They’re called ‘rent-seekers’ for good reason: Rent-seeking is an economic concept that occurs when an entity seeks to gain wealth without any reciprocal contribution of productivity. An example … Continue reading ‘Green’ Hydrogen Scam: Renewables Rent-Seekers’ Latest Wealth Transfer Effort

Loser Always Pays Staggering Hidden Cost of Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Crony capitalists wallowing in wind and solar subsidies and their ideologue enablers make sure the buck always stops with you. The cost of those subsidies is not only endless, it is simply staggering. In Australia the combined figure for subsidies to wind and solar is now in excess of $15 billion annually, and with the … Continue reading Loser Always Pays Staggering Hidden Cost of Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Massive Wind & Solar Subsidies Principal Cause of Your Rocketing Power Bills

It takes more than just your average leap of logic to contend that the grand wind and solar ‘transition’ constitutes rational energy policy. That so-called ‘policy’ means doling out massive subsidies to wind and solar generators for weather-dependent occasional power; then subsidising coal-fired power plants to stay operating to fill the ‘gaps’ caused by sunset … Continue reading Massive Wind & Solar Subsidies Principal Cause of Your Rocketing Power Bills

Planned Energy Armageddon: Net Zero CO2 Targets Designed by Delusional Maniacs

Setting targets about reducing the trivial amount of carbon oxide gas generated by humans is one thing, but asserting that wind and solar are the only way of doing so is positively bonkers. Assume for the moment that there is some point and purpose to net zero targets (a whopping assumption, for sure). Then the … Continue reading Planned Energy Armageddon: Net Zero CO2 Targets Designed by Delusional Maniacs

Energy Policy Screaming Out For Courageous Common Sense Politicians

Reliable and affordable energy supplies were inevitably doomed once political ideologues replaced engineers and market economists. The obsession with hopelessly unreliable and heavily subsidised wind and solar is being driven by a cult with all the rationality and reason of the Spanish Inquisition. Like the Inquisition, it takes more than just a little courage to … Continue reading Energy Policy Screaming Out For Courageous Common Sense Politicians

RE Reverse: 2024 Marks Beginning Of The End For Wind & Solar Transition

The closer countries get to the wind and solar transition, the faster they retreat from it. Across Europe, renewable energy targets have been ditched and replaced with policies built around always-on nuclear power. Finland, Sweden, France and Britain, for starters. Wind turbine and solar panel manufacturers are bleeding cash and their share values have been … Continue reading RE Reverse: 2024 Marks Beginning Of The End For Wind & Solar Transition

Farmers Fightback: Primary Producers Revolt Against Mass Industrial Wind & Solar Rollout

The wind cult’s proponents never face the prospect of being surrounded by hundreds of 250m high whirling wonders, slicing and dicing birds and wrecking the ability of neighbours to sleep in their own homes and wrecking the environment, more generally. No, all that pointless misery and suffering, that’s for the other guy. The virtue signalling … Continue reading Farmers Fightback: Primary Producers Revolt Against Mass Industrial Wind & Solar Rollout

Suicidal Tendencies: Wind & Solar Obsession Destroys Australia’s Economic Future

A little over 20 years ago, Australia plugged in to the wind and solar transition with the Federal government’s Renewable Energy Target. As they say, ‘sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind’. Australia’s once reliable and affordable power supplies are long gone, replaced by heavily subsidised, intermittent and costly wind and solar, backed up by … Continue reading Suicidal Tendencies: Wind & Solar Obsession Destroys Australia’s Economic Future