America’s Offshore Wind Industry Covering Up True Cost of Taxpayer Funded Subsidies

The rent-seekers that profit from the great wind and solar scam are always begging for more: more subsidies, tougher mandates and even greater renewable energy targets. Back in 1983, the American Wind Industry Association claimed that solar and wind would be “competitive and self-supporting on a national level by the end of the decade if … Continue reading America’s Offshore Wind Industry Covering Up True Cost of Taxpayer Funded Subsidies

Subsidy Cesspit: Time To Lift The Lid On America’s Colossal Wind & Solar Scam

The first rule about the ‘inevitable’ wind and solar transition is ‘you do not talk about the subsidies’. The second rule about the world’s greatest economic and environmental scam is ‘you DO NOT talk about the subsidies’. Because, once people understand that, without the subsidies, the so-called wind and solar ‘industries’ would disappear in a … Continue reading Subsidy Cesspit: Time To Lift The Lid On America’s Colossal Wind & Solar Scam

Forever Subsidised: America’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Biggest Fear Is Real Competition

Profiteering wind and solar rent-seekers have only one real fear in the electricity market: actual competition. Claims from renewable energy profiteers that wind and solar are truly competitive with nuclear, coal or gas evaporate the instant policymakers start talking about removing subsidies to wind and solar. Back in 1983 the American Wind Industry Association claimed … Continue reading Forever Subsidised: America’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Biggest Fear Is Real Competition

Waste in The West: Texans Have Already Squandered $66 Billion on Unreliable Wind & Solar

Texans suffering weather-caused power supply shortages might well query the $66 billion that's already been squandered on the unreliables, $22 billion of which has been directly pocketed as subsidies by the wind and solar industries, with plenty more coming their way. Robert Bryce takes a look at where power-starved Texan taxpayers' dollars are being directed. … Continue reading Waste in The West: Texans Have Already Squandered $66 Billion on Unreliable Wind & Solar

Endless Resuscitation Required: Wind & Solar Simply Can’t Survive Without Massive Subsidies

As soon as the subsidies for wind and solar dry up, so does the investment in generating capacity, proving the point that neither wind nor solar can survive for very long without guaranteed, government-mandated support; whether in the form of Production Tax Credits, Renewable Energy Certificates or penalties and fines laid on retailers if they … Continue reading Endless Resuscitation Required: Wind & Solar Simply Can’t Survive Without Massive Subsidies

Massive Subsidies For Wind & Solar ‘Industries’: The Never, Never, Never-Ending Story

Back in 1983 the American Wind Industry Association claimed that solar and wind would be “competitive and self-supporting on a national level by the end of the decade if assisted by tax credits and augmented by federally sponsored R&D”. That was over 37 years ago. And there was no lack of assistance in the form … Continue reading Massive Subsidies For Wind & Solar ‘Industries’: The Never, Never, Never-Ending Story

Total Fail: Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Texans Left Reliant on Diesel Generators

After Texas’s big freeze exposed wind and solar as total failures, the wind and solar cult have been left licking their wounds. Although, to their credit, they have active despite their injured feelings, viciously blaming everything except the 5G network for the mass blackouts that followed total collapses in wind and solar output. The hard … Continue reading Total Fail: Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Texans Left Reliant on Diesel Generators

Subsidy Siphons: Intermittent Wind & Solar Devouring $Billions of American Taxpayers’ Dollars

Identifying the full value of subsidies to wind and solar, has been like a game of hide and seek. Whether it’s renewable energy certificates, production tax credits, preferential access to the power grid, over-the-market government guaranteed contracts, or the hidden costs of the cash penalties attached to government mandates and targets, the wind and solar … Continue reading Subsidy Siphons: Intermittent Wind & Solar Devouring $Billions of American Taxpayers’ Dollars

Renewables Roulette: How Wind & Solar Generators Game the Power Market at Your Expense

Enron is synonymous with fake financials and wholesale fraud, but its gaming of the Californian power market set the tone for every crony capitalist wind and solar generator, who’s raped and pillaged, ever since. The story was laid out in the documentary The Smartest Guys In The Room.   Back then, Enron’s traders would … Continue reading Renewables Roulette: How Wind & Solar Generators Game the Power Market at Your Expense

Pointless Power: Without Massive & Endless Subsidies Wind Power Makes Absolutely No Sense

Warren Buffett said: “We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” Buffett might have continued, that subsidies are the only reason anyone invests in these things. Buffett might be an opportunistic profiteer, but at least … Continue reading Pointless Power: Without Massive & Endless Subsidies Wind Power Makes Absolutely No Sense