‘Green’ Hydrogen: Greed & Delusion Drives Latest Huckster’s Hype-Fest

Never stand between rent-seekers and a bucket of taxpayer's cash, especially when they add 'green' to whatever the latest crony capitalist scam might be. Which brings us to the fast and loose talk about the 'hydrogen-powered' economy. Hopeful hucksters have added the tag 'green' to hydrogen - they purportedly want to produce using chaotically intermittent … Continue reading ‘Green’ Hydrogen: Greed & Delusion Drives Latest Huckster’s Hype-Fest

Grand Lunacy: New York Shut Down Nuclear Plants & Wrecked Its Power Supply

New York State is another place where wind and solar-obsessed lunatics have seized control of energy policy. The notional objective was to reduce carbon oxide gas emissions using nothing more than sunshine and breezes. Ever-reliable nuclear power (which does not generate CO2 during the generation process) is deemed a mortal threat to the ideologues’ utopian … Continue reading Grand Lunacy: New York Shut Down Nuclear Plants & Wrecked Its Power Supply

Hello Hydrogen: Mythical ‘Green’ Gas All Set to Explode on Energy Scene

Unable to deal head-on with the hopeless intermittency of wind and solar, acolytes are reduced to waffling about batteries and so-called ‘green’ hydrogen gas as the answer. Stripped back, the great hydrogen hoax is just another scheme dreamt up by crony capitalists to gouge subsidies from unwitting taxpayers, all the support of their political enablers. … Continue reading Hello Hydrogen: Mythical ‘Green’ Gas All Set to Explode on Energy Scene