Wind & Solar Scammers’ Propaganda Pitch Attempts to Bury Community Opposition

The wind and solar scam has always benefited from the MSM’s gooey-eyed love of ‘renewable energy’, as they parrot it. Most hacks and commentators are nothing more than propagandists. And they have been at it for more than 20 years, which means it takes some effort to peel away the lies, myths and hyperbole and … Continue reading Wind & Solar Scammers’ Propaganda Pitch Attempts to Bury Community Opposition

No Deal: Country Firefighters Refuse to Fight Wind Turbine and Solar Panel Fires

Fed up country firefighters are refusing to fight fires started by wind turbines, solar panels and giant batteries. Placing their lives at mortal risk to save others and their property, would be heroic enough. However, most of them are volunteers who spend hundreds of hours being trained in firefighting methods and how to do so … Continue reading No Deal: Country Firefighters Refuse to Fight Wind Turbine and Solar Panel Fires

Wind Industry’s Tree Wipeout Hits New Low With Plans to Destroy Veterans’ Memorial

The land area destroyed to house a couple of wind turbines (often in pristine forests) compares unfavourably with the area needed to house a single nuclear power plant. See above - the area gouged out of one of Queensland’s (previously untouched) tropical rainforests to allow space for just two of these things - huge strips … Continue reading Wind Industry’s Tree Wipeout Hits New Low With Plans to Destroy Veterans’ Memorial

Aboriginal Communities Unite to Stop These Things Wrecking Precious Animal Habitat

The wind industry’s planet saving methods include trashing pristine tropical rainforest and smashing the critters that once peacefully inhabited those forests, including Australia’s iconic koala. In our recent post - Licenced Exterminators: Government Greenlights Wind Industry’s Mass Koala Kill - we noted the instructions given by a wind farm operator to construction workers in dealing … Continue reading Aboriginal Communities Unite to Stop These Things Wrecking Precious Animal Habitat

Zombie Apocalypse: Wind Industry Faces Total Collapse With More Projects Scrapped

The wind industry is looking a lot like a zombie apocalypse; evidently dead on its feet, but refusing to accept its mortality and die with dignity. The offshore wind industry in the US looks like a bloodbath, with dozens of major projects scrapped outright. Investors have pulled the plug, never to return. In Australia dozens … Continue reading Zombie Apocalypse: Wind Industry Faces Total Collapse With More Projects Scrapped

Locals’ War Against Industrial Wind Power Spreading Like Turbines On Fire

America’s rural communities hate industrial wind power with a passion and they fight. Well-organised and litigious, since 2015 America’s community defenders have knocked out over 600 industrial scale wind and solar projects, so far – see Robert Bryce’s Renewable Rejection Database. And they’re not about to let up. A wind power outfit backed by the … Continue reading Locals’ War Against Industrial Wind Power Spreading Like Turbines On Fire

Grand Land Grab: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Needs 70% of Australia’s Prime Farmland

Australia’s prime agricultural land is being carpeted with endless seas of solar panels and thousands of these things are being speared everywhere the panels can’t go. Dilute and diffuse, wind and solar require a staggering amount of space, and way more than their occasional, weather (and/or sunshine) dependent power generation can ever hope to justify. … Continue reading Grand Land Grab: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Needs 70% of Australia’s Prime Farmland