Demand For Hydrocarbons Proves Wind & Solar No Match For Coal, Oil & Gas

As the wind and sun cult would have it, the days of ‘dirty fossil fuels’ are done. Never mind that without coal, oil and gas the manufacture and construction of wind turbines and solar panels would be thoroughly impossible. Moreover, without coal-fired power plants and/or gas and diesel backup plants, we’ll all be sitting boiling … Continue reading Demand For Hydrocarbons Proves Wind & Solar No Match For Coal, Oil & Gas

Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Rent-seekers and the wind and sun cult who run with them are in a flat panic as they realise that their game is up. Mouthing off about an ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future was always going to come unstuck. Reality has a tendency of biting back. Every calm night (ie … Continue reading Blackouts Beckon: Calm Nights Mean Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Nothing But Grand Delusion

Pointless Duplication: America to Squander $3.5 Trillion to Connect Far-Flung Wind & Solar

In the beginning, engineers designed power transmission grids to connect a few generators to millions of power users. Nowadays, ideologues reckon they can connect thousands of generators, spread far and wide, to power users who haven't moved an inch. The cost of doing so, is in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Worse still, the … Continue reading Pointless Duplication: America to Squander $3.5 Trillion to Connect Far-Flung Wind & Solar

Britain’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Demand £60 Billion More For Grid Upgrades

Generating occasional power in far-flung places means connecting wind turbines and solar panels, and that comes with a staggering additional cost. Costs that are totally avoidable and entirely unnecessary, when one considers that no one was short of power before the grand wind and solar ‘transition’ took off. In Australia, it’s reckoned that the current … Continue reading Britain’s Wind & Solar ‘Industries’ Demand £60 Billion More For Grid Upgrades

Missed Target: No Way Wind & Solar Can Meet (Pointless) Net-Zero CO2 Target

The Soviet 5-year-plan was all about ludicrous ambitions that the Proles duly defied and likewise defied reality. So it is with so-called ‘net-zero carbon dioxide gas emissions targets’. Big talk about pointless objects is easy enough, but, at some stage the punters start asking when those objects might be met. And when they’re rebuffed, they … Continue reading Missed Target: No Way Wind & Solar Can Meet (Pointless) Net-Zero CO2 Target

Why Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Spells Inevitable Environmental Disaster

Spearing thousands of wind turbines into rural communities and carpeting them with endless seas of solar panels is only just the beginning. To connect those hopelessly intermittent power sources to market requires thousands of (otherwise unnecessary) kilometres of additional transmission lines. All of that environmental destruction could have readily been avoided had Australia simply maintained … Continue reading Why Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Spells Inevitable Environmental Disaster

Consumers Carry Colossal Cost of Getting Wind & Solar From Nowhere to Somewhere

The grand wind and solar transition comes with a staggering pricetag, not least the $trillions required to connect far-flung wind turbines and solar panels to increasingly distant markets. Building a secondary network of high voltage transmission lines and interconnectors to carry the power occasionally generated by wind turbines and solar panels, spread far and wide, … Continue reading Consumers Carry Colossal Cost of Getting Wind & Solar From Nowhere to Somewhere

No Deal: Aussie Farmers Reject Massive Wind & Solar Transmission Grid Rollout

The wind cultist is always ready to spear hundreds of giant 240m (787ft) industrial wind turbines into your backyard, but howls bloody outrage should the ‘favour’ look like being returned. Destroying your patch of paradise is a sacrifice that he is always willing to make. Characters like former Greens leader, Bob Brown and rent-seeking renewables lobbyist, Oliver Yates. … Continue reading No Deal: Aussie Farmers Reject Massive Wind & Solar Transmission Grid Rollout