Only Thing That’s ‘Renewable’ About Wind & Solar: Massive & Endless Subsidies

The millions of solar panels and hundreds of thousands of turbine blades already ground up in landfills means there’s absolutely nothing ‘renewable’ about wind or solar. The term ‘renewable’ is just another monstrous abuse of the English language perpetrated by a cult that would have us believe the unbelievable by ignoring the bleeding obvious: weather-dependent … Continue reading Only Thing That’s ‘Renewable’ About Wind & Solar: Massive & Endless Subsidies

Wind Turbines Require Hundreds of Tonnes of Minerals Mined & Processed Using Fossil Fuels

Ignorance is a solid virtue among the wind and sun cult, who apparently believe that wind turbines self-replicate without the need for any assistance from those evil fossil fuels, coal, oil and gas. Their infantile imagination is better placed in a sci-fi pic with indestructible, self-repairing droids, than in earthly reality. An industrial wind turbine … Continue reading Wind Turbines Require Hundreds of Tonnes of Minerals Mined & Processed Using Fossil Fuels

Economic Euthanasia: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Energy Poverty Everywhere

Once upon a time, the object was delivering power to everyone, everywhere, all the time. Not anymore. Chaotically delivered and heavily subsidised wind and solar have another object, and it is not one that their proponents dare speak of. If delivering reliable and affordable power were the object, then no one would be talking about … Continue reading Economic Euthanasia: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Energy Poverty Everywhere

‘Green’ Energy’s Demand For Rare Earths Driving Wholesale Environmental Destruction

Solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles all critically depend upon a raft of minerals known as ‘rare earths’, as well as mountains of copper and cobalt. With the exponential increase in demand for minerals comes an exponential growth in the mountains of toxic filth left behind during mining and processing those minerals. The minerals … Continue reading ‘Green’ Energy’s Demand For Rare Earths Driving Wholesale Environmental Destruction

Lack of Concentration: Wind & Solar Use Vast Tracts of Land to Deliver Occasional Power

The occasional generators - wind and solar deliver trivial amounts of electricity and take the best part of a continent to do it. Where land use matters, and it almost always matters, their lack of energy density is yet another reason why wind and solar will never amount to meaningful power generation sources; not now, … Continue reading Lack of Concentration: Wind & Solar Use Vast Tracts of Land to Deliver Occasional Power

Enviro-Frauds: Wind & Solar Ain’t ‘Clean’ & Certainly Ain’t ‘Green’

Call wind and solar whatever you like, but there’s simply no rational basis to call them ‘clean’ or ‘green’. Both chew up monumental volumes of minerals, chemicals, rare earths and energy just to create the panels and turbines. Both leave monumental volumes of waste when turbines and panels are spent – after a decade or … Continue reading Enviro-Frauds: Wind & Solar Ain’t ‘Clean’ & Certainly Ain’t ‘Green’

Virtue’s Toll: Grand ‘Green’ Transition Delivers Horrific Human Rights Abuses

Every wind turbine, solar panel and lithium battery is the product of scarce resources, and not just the rare stuff mined by 9-year-olds in the Congo. Claims about a ‘green’ Utopia never touch on the volume of mineral and other resources required to get there. Nor do the West’s great virtue signallers pay much lip … Continue reading Virtue’s Toll: Grand ‘Green’ Transition Delivers Horrific Human Rights Abuses

Energy ‘Transition’ Built On Grand Delusion That Wind & Solar Power Is Cheap & Reliable

War is peace’, ‘freedom is slavery’ and ‘wind and solar power are cheap and reliable’. Big Brother and his Ministry of Truth would, no doubt, approve of the approach taken by rent-seeking crony capitalists and their political enablers to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind, and the impression that the sun shines 24 … Continue reading Energy ‘Transition’ Built On Grand Delusion That Wind & Solar Power Is Cheap & Reliable

‘Renewables’ Reality Check: Exposing Filthy Truth About Our Wind & Solar Powered ‘Nirvana’

Pull the curtain back on the wind and solar ‘industries’ and you’re in for a filthy and even toxic surprise. Do a little digging, so to speak, and you’ll soon understand that there is absolutely nothing ‘green’ about wind and solar power or, more precisely, what goes into making 300 tonne wind turbines and their … Continue reading ‘Renewables’ Reality Check: Exposing Filthy Truth About Our Wind & Solar Powered ‘Nirvana’

Enviro-Imposters: Why There’s Nothing Green About Intermittent Wind & Solar Power

Spreading millions of solar panels and spearing thousands of wind turbines far and wide doesn’t make sense, at any level. Intermittent and diffuse energy sources do not represent progress in the state of human affairs; that was the way of the world pre-Industrial Revolution - science, enterprise and engineering made all that a part of … Continue reading Enviro-Imposters: Why There’s Nothing Green About Intermittent Wind & Solar Power