Nuclear Power 101: Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power Generation In-A-Nutshell

The perfectly inevitable failure of weather-dependent wind and solar has made way for the perfectly inevitable rise of nuclear power as the premier generation source of the future. Anyone with their snouts in the wind and solar subsidy trough hates nuclear power for the same reasons we promote it: it works 24 x 365, whatever … Continue reading Nuclear Power 101: Safe, Reliable & Affordable Power Generation In-A-Nutshell

Code Red: Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Suffer Full Nuclear Meltdown

The so-called wind and solar ‘industries’ turn apoplectic at the very mention of safe, reliable and affordable nuclear power. The wind and sun cult claim wind and solar are the only way of producing power without emitting carbon dioxide gas. Leaving aside the benefits of naturally occurring plant food, let’s take them at their word … Continue reading Code Red: Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Suffer Full Nuclear Meltdown

Turn Up The Base(Load): Nuclear Plants Keep Delivering Power All Day, Every Day

The history of civilisation is a story based on harnessing electricity - its future will be one based on building baseload nuclear power. Always on, whatever the weather, no need for batteries, no need for back up - clean, safe, reliable - nuclear power ticks all the boxes. An energy hungry world is chewing up … Continue reading Turn Up The Base(Load): Nuclear Plants Keep Delivering Power All Day, Every Day

Why Costly & Unreliable Wind and Solar Threaten Modern Civilisation

Without reliable and affordable electricity, civilisation as we know it wouldn’t last a week. Absolutely everything we do depends on having power as and when we need it. Or, as Tyson Culver and Robert Bryce call it “Juice”. Over several years now, Tyson and Robert have been attempting to educate Americans about where their power … Continue reading Why Costly & Unreliable Wind and Solar Threaten Modern Civilisation

Pro-Nuclear Power Stance Spells Doom For Subsidised Wind & Solar

Ever-reliable nuclear power poses the biggest threat to the wind and solar industries, and they know it. Renewable energy rent-seekers hate nuclear because it works and provides the perfect answer to those fretting about carbon dioxide gas. The wind and solar cult claim that there is no other way to save the planet from the … Continue reading Pro-Nuclear Power Stance Spells Doom For Subsidised Wind & Solar

Grand Lunacy: New York Shut Down Nuclear Plants & Wrecked Its Power Supply

New York State is another place where wind and solar-obsessed lunatics have seized control of energy policy. The notional objective was to reduce carbon oxide gas emissions using nothing more than sunshine and breezes. Ever-reliable nuclear power (which does not generate CO2 during the generation process) is deemed a mortal threat to the ideologues’ utopian … Continue reading Grand Lunacy: New York Shut Down Nuclear Plants & Wrecked Its Power Supply