Nuclear Fatality: Rent-Seekers Rage As Wind & Solar ‘Investment’ Collapses

The wind and solar industries are treating nuclear power like some kind of evil, arch-enemy. Fair enough. While the number of human fatalities caused by nuclear power generation would fit in a couple of school buses, the entire subsidised wind and solar scam faces total wipe out, simply because they can never compete - on … Continue reading Nuclear Fatality: Rent-Seekers Rage As Wind & Solar ‘Investment’ Collapses

Italy Joins Europe’s Sudden & Sensible Nuclear Power Push

There really is no choice between always-on, ever-reliable nuclear and chaotically intermittent wind and solar. That’s if you want power delivered, as and when you need it. The need for nuclear power is a reality that’s spreading across Europe, like they’ve hit on the cure for the incurable - with infantile ideology giving way to … Continue reading Italy Joins Europe’s Sudden & Sensible Nuclear Power Push

Wind & Solar Chaos Driving Demand For Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

Nuclear power’s renaissance is the inevitable response to the wind and solar transition’s inevitable failure. Sunshine and weather-dependent solar and weather-dependent wind are no match for serious generation sources, like safe, reliable and affordable nuclear. Incapable of delivering electricity on demand, wind and solar have never been true competitors with coal, gas or nuclear power … Continue reading Wind & Solar Chaos Driving Demand For Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

Energy SOS Means SMRs: Small Modular Reactors Offer Permanent Power Solution

  SMRs are no right-wing fantasy: 200 small nuclear reactors are presently powering 160 ships and submarines all around the world, and have been for decades. STT promotes nuclear power because it works: safe, affordable, reliable and the perfect foil for those worried about human-generated carbon dioxide gas – because it doesn’t generate any, while generating … Continue reading Energy SOS Means SMRs: Small Modular Reactors Offer Permanent Power Solution

Energy Sanity Outbreak: Italy Joins Europe’s Burgeoning Nuclear Power Renaissance

The Finns are in, the French led the way (and they’re demanding more) and now the Italians have joined Europe’s nuclear power renaissance. Italy’s Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni recently reversed her country’s legislated moratorium against the cleanest and most reliable form of power generation there is. Meloni’s move makes way for the reactivation of 3 … Continue reading Energy Sanity Outbreak: Italy Joins Europe’s Burgeoning Nuclear Power Renaissance