Last Chance Saloon: Nuclear Shift Offers Best Hope For Affordable & Reliable Power

Without doubt, coal-fired power remains the cheapest and most reliable form of power generation, bar none. Which is why hundreds of new plants are being built across China, India, Indonesia and elsewhere in Asia. However, in Australia, and elsewhere in the deindustrialising West, coal-fired power has been declared public enemy number one by a cult … Continue reading Last Chance Saloon: Nuclear Shift Offers Best Hope For Affordable & Reliable Power

Don’t Follow the Leader: Learning From Europe’s Renewable Energy Disaster

Europe’s wind and solar ‘transition’ is like watching a train wreck on constant repeat. Germany led the charge and is suffering the inevitable and entirely predictable consequences, with crushing power prices and routine power rationing. Some of Germany’s neighbours had the wit and temerity to not play follow the leader, or were in a position … Continue reading Don’t Follow the Leader: Learning From Europe’s Renewable Energy Disaster

If Your Country’s Not Backing Nuclear Power It’s Probably Going Backwards

Rent-seekers and the wind and solar cult have conniptions at the merest mention of nuclear power, principally because it works around-the-clock. No need for batteries. No need for back up. Wild claims about the purported benefits of wind and solar never survive the first contact with reality. So, acolytes have to defer and deflect on … Continue reading If Your Country’s Not Backing Nuclear Power It’s Probably Going Backwards

Energy Sanity Outbreak: Italy Joins Europe’s Burgeoning Nuclear Power Renaissance

The Finns are in, the French led the way (and they’re demanding more) and now the Italians have joined Europe’s nuclear power renaissance. Italy’s Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni recently reversed her country’s legislated moratorium against the cleanest and most reliable form of power generation there is. Meloni’s move makes way for the reactivation of 3 … Continue reading Energy Sanity Outbreak: Italy Joins Europe’s Burgeoning Nuclear Power Renaissance