Snookered: Global Nuclear Embrace Destroys Case For Subsidised Wind & Solar

The wind and sun cult have no sensible answer to ever-reliable nuclear power and are terrified at the threat nuclear poses to the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time: hence the fits of rage and apoplexy amongst cultists, carpetbaggers and their political enablers. The nuclear power embrace across Europe has been sudden, swift, … Continue reading Snookered: Global Nuclear Embrace Destroys Case For Subsidised Wind & Solar

Nuclear Fatality: Rent-Seekers Rage As Wind & Solar ‘Investment’ Collapses

The wind and solar industries are treating nuclear power like some kind of evil, arch-enemy. Fair enough. While the number of human fatalities caused by nuclear power generation would fit in a couple of school buses, the entire subsidised wind and solar scam faces total wipe out, simply because they can never compete - on … Continue reading Nuclear Fatality: Rent-Seekers Rage As Wind & Solar ‘Investment’ Collapses

Code Red: Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Suffer Full Nuclear Meltdown

The so-called wind and solar ‘industries’ turn apoplectic at the very mention of safe, reliable and affordable nuclear power. The wind and sun cult claim wind and solar are the only way of producing power without emitting carbon dioxide gas. Leaving aside the benefits of naturally occurring plant food, let’s take them at their word … Continue reading Code Red: Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Suffer Full Nuclear Meltdown

New-Age Nuclear: Perfect Answer to Weather-Dependent Wind & Solar Chaos

Nuclear is the order that will inevitably spring from the wind and solar chaos being played out across the West. Every country that’s dialled into the grand wind and solar ‘transition’ is suffering rocketing power prices and weather-related power rationing. Once weather-dependent wind and sunshine and weather-dependent solar exceed more than about 20% of a … Continue reading New-Age Nuclear: Perfect Answer to Weather-Dependent Wind & Solar Chaos

Voters Reject Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ & Demand Immediate Nuclear Power Shift

As sandal-wearing lefty troglodytes drop off the perch, their tech-savvy replacements are as keen as mustard on safe, reliable and affordable nuclear power. Whereas their mung bean eating grandparents railed for decades about the purported evils of nuclear power generation, their grandkids are all in. In a recent Newspoll the number of younger voters in … Continue reading Voters Reject Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ & Demand Immediate Nuclear Power Shift

Pro-Nuclear Power Stance Spells Doom For Subsidised Wind & Solar

Ever-reliable nuclear power poses the biggest threat to the wind and solar industries, and they know it. Renewable energy rent-seekers hate nuclear because it works and provides the perfect answer to those fretting about carbon dioxide gas. The wind and solar cult claim that there is no other way to save the planet from the … Continue reading Pro-Nuclear Power Stance Spells Doom For Subsidised Wind & Solar

Renewables Targets Scrapped: Britain Joins French Nuclear Power Generation Renaissance

The French are just the latest European power to ditch ludicrous wind and solar generation targets in favour of nuclear power. And Britain is lining up to do much the same. Both have adopted net zero carbon oxide gas emissions targets, and the only way of meeting them is safe, reliable and affordable nuclear power. … Continue reading Renewables Targets Scrapped: Britain Joins French Nuclear Power Generation Renaissance

Nuclear Necessity: Europeans Driving Nuclear Power’s Inevitable Renaissance

When Vlad Putin put the squeeze on Europe’s gas supplies, Europeans embraced nuclear power out of urgent necessity. The grand wind and solar ‘transition’ were revealed as nothing but the greatest economic and environmental fraud, of all time. Incapable of delivering electricity as and when households and businesses need it, wind and solar run a … Continue reading Nuclear Necessity: Europeans Driving Nuclear Power’s Inevitable Renaissance

World’s Energy Dunce: Australia Slammed For Embarrassing Anti-Nuclear Power Stance

Every country that’s vaguely serious about reliable and affordable power has nuclear power plants or is in the process of building them, in earnest. In the current global energy climate, Australia’s legislated ban on nuclear power is beyond embarrassing; it’s positively idiotic. Australia holds the world’s largest uranium reserves and, despite its shifting policy of limiting the number … Continue reading World’s Energy Dunce: Australia Slammed For Embarrassing Anti-Nuclear Power Stance

Wind & Solar Chaos Driving Demand For Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power

Nuclear power’s renaissance is the inevitable response to the wind and solar transition’s inevitable failure. Sunshine and weather-dependent solar and weather-dependent wind are no match for serious generation sources, like safe, reliable and affordable nuclear. Incapable of delivering electricity on demand, wind and solar have never been true competitors with coal, gas or nuclear power … Continue reading Wind & Solar Chaos Driving Demand For Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power